Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 58!

1. How is the campfire different from the burning fire with which Montag is familiar?
2. What is so remarkable to Montag about the voices around the campfire he hears as he hides in the trees?
 3.How is Montag like the men he encounters gathered around the campfire?
 4. How do the old men hope to use the books they have memorized, and what do they think will happen?
5. What makes the war and its end so unreal to Montag and his companions?
6. What do Montag’s imaginings about Mildred’s fate when the bombs fall indicate about him?
7. What, according to Granger, makes humans different from the Phoenix? How will this help humankind finally?
8. Why do you think that the old men fall in behind Montag on their journey back to the city. Why has he become the

9. What is the significance of the quote that Montag will save for noon when they reach the city?
10. What is the theme of this book, in your opinion?

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